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Writer's pictureashley chen

從建築城門、開山蓋廟,到整修房屋都該知道的風水學問|Understanding “Feng Shui” in Taiwan

Updated: Jun 14



As the name in Mandarin implies, the idea of feng shui involves wind and water. It originated as an ancient Chinese study of astronomy, geography, environment, etc., and gradually evolved into the harmony between humans and nature that affects the individual’s fortune and misfortune. Nowadays, people in Taiwan often consult feng shui masters when designing the arrangement of furniture and the orientation of houses to incorporate natural elements and follow the appropriate guidelines. In addition to interior designs, traces of feng shui principles can also be found throughout Taiwan, with examples from Taipei, Tainan, and Kaohsiung!

Keep reading this blog to understand the idea of “feng shui” in Taiwan!

|從台北古蹟承恩門到摩天大樓101,都需要風水老師幫忙?From historic heritage to modern skyscrapers, feng shui is everywhere in Taipei!



The principle of feng shui can be found everywhere in Taipei! Next time you pass by Taipei's North Gate (Beimen), take a moment to check the gate’s slight angle when facing north! This adjustment was made during its construction to align with feng shui principles, orienting the gate towards Taipei's highest peak, Qixing Mountain. At that time, people believed that the protection of the mountain would bring greater grandeur and prosperity to Taipei City.

On the other hand, Taipei 101, the tallest building in Taiwan, also follows feng shui principles as it embodies the layout of “Left Green Dragon, Right White Tiger, and Back Support.” The skyscraper is flanked by Four Beasts Mountain and the World Trade Center, with Qixing Mountain as its rear support. Additionally, the interior entrances and exits are designed with a "Left Dragon, Right Tiger" staircase, symbolizing auspiciousness. Through both of these examples, we can see that feng shui's influence is evident in the urban planning of Taipei, regardless of the time period.

|先天風水優勢別高興太早!居然會因後天人為條件而改變?Human activity can make or break good feng shui?



Lotus Pond in Kaohsiung was once considered a location with precious feng shui, but during the Japanese colonial period, the nearby Turtle Mountain was split in half to build a road. After World War II, a tower was erected on the mountain, leading to an increase in mosquitoes and the pond water turning red! Believing this to be the result of disrupted feng shui, the locals built the Dragon and Tiger Pagodas under divine guidance in hopes of undoing the damage. Recently, the city government has further developed ancient paths to repair the divided Turtle Mountain in an attempt to restore the feng shui and bring back the beauty and tranquility of Lotus Pond.

In Tainan's Anping area, visitors would often see decorative lions biting swords on buildings and houses. These “Sword Lions,” beyond their decorative purpose, serve as protective talismans against bad luck. According to traditional feng shui beliefs, when a house faces a road directly, forming a T-junction, it creates a “road clash.” Such positioning affects financial fortune and increases the risk of accidents. In Anping, houses with “road clashes” often display “Sword Lions” to ward off evil and protect the local residents. Through the years, “Sword Lions” have gradually become a unique feature of Anping.

|室內修繕新手必看! 不能不知道的風水指南 Feng shui for interior design and home renovations


In Taiwan, the design of many modern homes still incorporates basic feng shui principles. Firstly, avoiding having the stove directly visible from the front door is important, as this is believed to lead to financial loss. Secondly, the stove should not directly face the sink or refrigerator to prevent poor financial fortune or family disharmony. Additionally, you should ensure that there are no beams above sofas or beds to avoid a sense of stress when lying down or sitting. While some might think these are superstitions, the feng shui principles exist to create a living environment that is both comfortable and relaxing for the household members.

|外國風水學比一比:印度人也信風水嗎?Is Vastu Shastra in India also a type of feng shui?

風水不只是華人世界限定!印度風水學Vastu Shastra與台灣民間的風水理論相似,都強調建築方位、家中擺設,與人們生活習慣的重要性,更是興建印度神廟時必須遵守的準則。在印度風水學的建築應用中,最有名的例子就屬柬埔寨的歷史瑰寶吳哥窟,可以讓現代人一窺古人對於對稱學、比例學的講究與美學。


The idea of feng shui is not limited to the Chinese-speaking world! In India, the Vastu Shastra is a traditional Hindu system of architecture that works similarly to Taiwan's feng shui principles. Both emphasize the importance of building orientation, layout, and daily habits and are used as a construction guideline for sacred buildings. Angkor Wat, the historical heritage of Cambodia, is a well-known example that followed the concept of Vastu Shastra concerning architectural symmetry, ratio, and aesthetics. 

From the examples above, we can conclude that regardless of culture and the criticism of superstition, the concept of feng shui has been a set of guidelines developed by our ancestors throughout history to ensure a comfortable and easy life. Perhaps next time the idea of “feng shui” is brought up again in a conversation, you can join the discussion with the knowledge you learned about today!

|Vocabulary list

  • Aesthetics 美感

  • Astronomy 天文學

  • Beam 橫樑

  • Disharmony 不和諧的

  • Harmony 和諧的

  • Orientation 方位

  • Superstition 迷信

  • Symmetry 對稱性

  • Talisman 護身符

  • To ward off 驅趕


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