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從斬妖除魔轉行的生育之神!不管難產或不孕都可以拜的註生娘娘|Goddess of Childbirth

Updated: Jun 20


In many cultures around the world, there are deities who govern fertility. From Grandmother Samsin in Korea to the Hindu Goddess Parvati in India, these divine figures hold significant roles in the lives of those hoping for conception and safe childbirth. And in Taiwan, it's none other than the Taoist deity known as the Goddess of Childbirth, or "Mother of Fertility." With her birthday on the twentieth day of the third lunar month, the Goddess of Childbirth is revered for her blessings upon people seeking pregnancy and safe delivery and is often seen as a spiritual solace for infertile couples or expectant mothers. Interestingly in Taiwan, despite her significance, temples dedicated solely to the Goddess of Childbirth are relatively few, with her usually enshrined in the side halls of temples dedicated to Guanyin Bodhisattva or Mazu. Worshippers seeking to pray to the goddess on her birthday should prepare offerings such as red turtle cakes, longevity peaches, red eggs, and fresh flowers - don’t forget to prepare an additional portion for the main god of the temple for respect!

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More than one legends surround the origin of the Goddess of Childbirth. One describes her as a renowned female Taoist priestess named Chen Jinggu, also known as "Lady by the Water," famed for her talent to exorcize demons. However, she later discovered that aiding in childbirth was even more challenging than battling demons, thus becoming the guardian deity of childbirth. Another legend portrays the Goddess of Childbirth as a collective spirit, a "conceptual deity" formed from the countless experiences of helping women give birth. In Taiwanese temples, she is often depicted holding a book of fertility in her left hand and a pen in her right, symbolizing the recording of significant childbirth events.

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As times have changed, the story of the Goddess of Childbirth has evolved from tales of inducing childbirth and controlling the gender of fetuses to that of a protector ensuring the safety of infants and birth givers. If desiring a specific gender, worshippers should offer white lilies, pineapple, and tangerines for a boy, due to the same pronunciation of tangerine and “boy” as well as pineapple and “affluent”, or red lilies, pineapple, and Asian pears (water pear) due to the word water symbolizing “pretty girl”. These days, however, most believers only wish for a healthy and safe child, hence a mix of red and white flowers would be enough.

As each child bears their own destiny, temples advise pregnant women to thank the goddess for fulfilling their vows only after giving birth and when the child reaches one month old!

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Goddess of Childbirth enjoys widespread popularity in Taiwan, where you can find her in temples across the island, from Longshan Temple in Taipei to Beigang Chaotian Temple in Yunlin, and even the “Zhusheng Temple” in Qiaotou, Kaohsiung, dedicated to her. Her influence even extends beyond local worshippers! In 2012, a middle-aged American couple with infertility visited the Beigang Chaotian Temple during their trip to Taiwan and prayed to the goddesses in English. With the help of IVF, they eventually became pregnant and gave birth to twins in 2014!

While seeking divine intervention, it's also essential for infertile couples to seek medical advice and undergo necessary examinations with healthcare professionals!

|Profile of Goddess of Childbirth

  • 又稱:註生媽、臨水夫人、陳靖姑 Also Known As: Mother of Fertility, Chen Jinggu, Lady by the Water

  • 生日:農曆3月20日 Birthday: 20th day of the third month of the lunar calendar

  • 隸屬宗教:道教 Patheon: Taoism

  • 廟宇間數:至少上百間(多為主祀媽祖、觀音宮廟偏殿)Number of Temples: 100+ (mostly in side halls to Mazu or Guanyin Bodhisattva)

  • 在台分布範圍:全台灣 Active Region: All of Taiwan

  • 主祀宮廟:嘉義水月庵、台南臨水夫人廟、高雄註生宮、宜蘭南興廟 Main Temples: Shuiyue Monastery in Chiayi, Lady by the Water Temple in Tainan, Zhusheng Temple in Kaohsiung, Nanxing Temple in Yilan

  • 業務範圍:懷孕、平安生產、求特定性別子女 Known for: infertility treatment, easy delivery, gender prediction

  • 供品:紅龜粿、壽麵、壽桃、紅蛋、鮮花、水果 Preferred Offerings: Red Turtle Cake, Longevity Noodles, Longevity Peach, Red Eggs, fresh flowers, fruit

|Vocabulary list

  • 神祇 deity

  • 生育 fertility

  • 生產 childbirth

  • 受孕 to conceive

  • 被祭拜的 enshrined

  • 不孕的 infertile

  • 受尊重的 revered

  • 道姑 Taoist priestess

  • 除魔/驅邪 to exorcise




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